Surrender Application Received:

- Dog’s Name: Buddy
- Age: 1 year
- Any health issues: No
- Reason for surrender: He is becoming too expensive to be kept fed well.
When our adoption coordinator, Trudy, first picked up Buddy from his owner, her exact words were “We will get him neutered and on to his new family in a week. He’s perfect.”
Well, unfortunately, that didn’t go as planned. Buddy was peeing and drinking a lot. After several blood tests, test for cushings, many vet visits, specialist visits, an ultrasound, and a cat scan with a specialist in NJ, it was determined Buddy has a liver shunt.
A liver shunt occurs when an abnormal connection persists or forms between the portal vein or one of its branches, and another vein, allowing blood to bypass or shunt around the liver. In the majority of cases, a liver shunt is caused by a birth defect called a congenital portosystemic shunt. Buddy has an extrahepatic shunt which are less challenging to repair surgically than intrahepatic shunts.
Buddy is a squishy-faced goofy playful “tank” who fit in seamlessly with his foster pack! Though he is housebroken, he cannot “hold it” for long periods of time & needs to drink water, often. Because of this, Buddy goes to “work” every day. He makes an amazing truck dog & travel companion! His favorite day of the week is “Taco Tuesday”. Buddy is young, 17 months old, active, playful & smart. He is housebroken, crate trained & he’s a great sharer. He shares toys, bones & treats with his foster pals, without any issues. He’s just a go-with-the-flow type of little fella who loves to give kisses & hang out.
A typical Basset boy who we feel deserves a chance!Buddy surgery estimate is between $5,212 and $7,827 to repair the shunt and to neuter him. This does not include the $2500 spent so far coming up with this diagnosis.
Please consider
donating to Buddy’s Shunt Surgery fund or help by purchasing a
Musical Basset Hound Carousel. Your choice of 2 tunes: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” or “You Light Up My Life”. All proceeds from Carousel sales will go directly to his medical expenses.