We need new foster homes

One of the most rewarding things you can do as a volunteer is help a Basset in need by opening up your home for temporary shelter. Many of our dogs come from situations where they have been neglected and displaced. ABC brings in dogs and gives them a new lease on life. As a foster, you have such an impact on that transition. Maybe your not sure if a dog will fit into your lifestyle. This is a great way to experience living with a basset and finding how much love and joy they can bring to your world.

Maybe you have been a foster caregiver before and currently your home is full, there are other ways you can help.
Kathy Roberts is looking for some help and a little bit of your time. She says, “I have been asked by Gary Penny and accepted the task of heading up a small group of folks to recruit and retain some new foster homes. What I am looking for are a few key folks in different areas of NY state to volunteer 1 day a month to setting up an information table at your local grocery store, movie theaters, vet office, even at the mall giving hand outs. You would explain who we are and what our mission is all about (fostering being the focus) and how rewarding this part of dog rescuing can be not only for the dogs, but for the whole family. This will be a group effort I cannot accomplish this alone, the more we get out the word about fostering the better for all of us.”
You can reach Kathy at kadydid39@AOL.com if you would like to participate.
For more information on fostering: https://www.nybasset.org/foster.html
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