Newlywed couple, Anne and Jimmy Himes sent us a wonderful update and pictures of Annie and Dexter in their new home. What a great way to start a life together – giving a bonded pair of Basset Hounds a forever home and family! Many thanks especially for allowing these two to remain together – they are so devoted to one another. It is so good to hear they are doing great in their new home and filling your lives with love and laughter!
Following is Anne and Jimmy’s letter to Adoption Coordinator, Laura Johnson:
“We wanted to get in touch to let you both know that Annie and Dexter are doing really well here. They fit so well in our family, I don’t know what we
did without them.
We recently signed them up for the off leash dog parks in Monroe County,and they have really been loving the new park at Ellison. Dexter loves to meetother dogs, and although sometimes Annie gets a little scared of the other dogs, and of new people, she is learning to socialize there. She isn’t velcro’d to our side the whole time there, and has actually gone up to people on her own. Everyone tells her how beautiful she is and how handsome her brother is. After several days of going to the park in a row, we didn’t go to the dog park today, and Annie sat right by my car this evening, refusing to go for a walk–I think she was hoping to go meet some more friends.
Although we can’t wait to have a fenced in yard at home, we are waiting until we can purchase the empty lot next to our house (city lots are so small). In the meantime, one of the great things about having these two, is going for walks all the time, and getting to meet the neighbors. We didn’t know how many other dog owners (and dog lovers) we lived near, but it’s great! The hounds recently got to meet two beagles who live nearby. They seemed especially excited to meet other hounds. As Kevin had mentioned, Annie and Dex weren’t used to walking on leashes, but they’re doing well with them. We have a harness for Dexter, and that certainly makes it easier to walk with him.
And at home, they are just awesome. We have two constant snugglers, who even love us after we give them a bath (oh the indignity of being plopped in the tub). They were waking us up very early in the morning (3:30 was too early), until we moved their dog bed into our room. Now they sleep in, and sometimes have to be lured out of bed in the morning for breakfast. Dexter gives Annie so many sweet kisses, and we are lucky enough to get some to. He seems to think it’s his job to take care of us now.
They’re very good at the house during the day, but it’s quite hard to leave them to go to work in the morning. We tell them that we have to so we can
afford the ‘biscuit budget.’ One day, Jimmy took them to visit me at work. In one of the attached pictures, you can see that Annie was ready to get to work herself!
afford the ‘biscuit budget.’ One day, Jimmy took them to visit me at work. In one of the attached pictures, you can see that Annie was ready to get to work herself!
They are just so fantastic! We can’t believe anyone would give them up, but are soooo grateful that ABC rescued them, that Kevin fostered them, that
Laura coordinated the adoption, and that they came to us.
Laura coordinated the adoption, and that they came to us.
We hope to see you at some ABCevents in the future.” By Anne and Jimmy Himes
Thanks so much to Anne and Jimmy for sharing this story and pictures with us. Take good care of your new humans Annie and Dex – you’ve found a pair of really wonderful humans!
This proves the point that two Bassets are double the joy! ABC still has two pairs of bonded Basset Hounds looking for their forever home. Check out their descriptions and pictures on the ABC website. If you are considering adopting Scarlett and Snickers or Wynne and Cherry fill out an ABC Adoption Application here.
Laura and Scott Johnson were originally fostering Cherry and Wynne and they now have moved on to Chris Brothers’ home for further socialization. Laura said they were getting “too comfortable” …hmm, sounds like foster Mom and Pop were getting too comfortable too. About Cherry and Wynne Laura says, “Contrary to popular belief, a bonded pair is not more work or too much to handle. Especially not these guys! They keep each other company, and entertained. And since they are smaller than the average basset hound, it really is like having only one, with double the personality!”