Remember Chet and Ellie Mae

Chet and Ellie Mae each were part of our Home for the Howlidays Rescue mission where we brought in 34 puppy mill dogs. They came in from two different puppy mills, in two states, stayed at Boom Towne during different weeks, and were adopted at different times, but ended up in the same forever home…and they couldn’t be happier! Chet enjoys picking daffodils and sitting outside. Ellie Mae enjoys chasing the cats and napping in her kennel. But they enjoy each other most of all…and cookies of course. They may be featured on the Dog Whisperer at some point so Cesar can help Ellie Mae get over her shyness of people, especially men. Chet and Ellie Mae are also headed on their first vacation this summer to the dog friendly Outer Banks!

Congratulations Chet and Ellie Mae for finding the perfect forever home and getting spoiled rotten! See you at the Waddle!

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