Meet the New ABC New York Basset Hounds

Bob Richardson has arrived safely in TN and took this great video of his 8 new passengers Meet ABC’s new Additions.  Thanks Bob for sending us this great introduction.

Daisy & Lucky, the senior Basset Hound and Dachshund, bonded pair.  They are being adopted by Shelly’s Mom & Dad!

Billy Bob and Buford, Artis, Scarlet, Snickers and Lola are also in the group.  We will post their photos here as soon as they arrive, along with Daisy and Lucky’s sad story and wonderful rescued adoption tale.

Shelly let us know that Bob called her from the road ‘somewhere in Kentucky.’  He said this car raced up next to the van, beeping their horn and waving. Bob looked over and the guy was wearing an ABC Basset Rescue T-shirt!!!  How awesome is that!  ABC’s fame has spread nationwide!

Great job ABC on rescuing these beautiful hounds.  We wish safe travels and a pleasant journey to the remainder of the transport and can’t wait to meet these guys in NY.

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