Vice President

Justin Beabes: Vice President
My name is Justin Beabes and I am the Vice President for ABCBHR. I became involved with this great rescue in 2007. I had two of my own bassets, one from a backyard breeder and one from the dreaded pet store. ABCBHR educated us on the atrocities that occur when people breed dogs for profit and profit only. My wife and I now have adopted four dogs from ABC and couldn’t be happier.
Originally my wife and I started our volunteering as a foster home. We have fostered over thirty dogs. It has been a very rewarding experience seeing the great dogs adopted by families. It is extra special watching the children who end up with these fantastic dogs!
I currently live in the Syracuse area with my wife and our three bassets Tobi, Millie and Lucy. I enjoy helping with the transports to get any number of dogs from our vast area of foster homes. The highlight of the year would have to be the Spring Basset Blast where I get to see all of the great volunteers, friends, family, and dogs that I have met throughout the year.