Hi! My name is Potsie. I am an ABC Basset Hound Rescue (ABCBHR) alumni. I am part of the “Happy Days Crew” that came to N.Y. looking for a “Forever Home.” Mommy is letting me be your guest blogger, today.
My family foster failed with me. This means, I stayed at their home, when, I came to N.Y. and never left.I have my “Forever Home.”
Here is my friend, Eeyore. Look at her pink harness! Pretty in Pink? I think so!
She is a foster failure,too! It sounds so negative but, really, it is a positive!
This is what ABCBHR does! Find bassets like Eeyore and me loving homes.
Check out this Bills Fan. We have lots of fun!
Here is my sister, Elsie Mae. We call her Elly. She is a Yankee fan! See her Pink hat.
We are having a Pink Saturday Birthday Party! Mommy said, we have to do it outside. I don’t know why…I try not to argue with Mommy. I am a good boy!
Here we are! What are we looking at?
That’s Elly on the top, me closest to you, and “Stevie Nix” ( Available on the website.) She CAN sing!! Trust me!
Oh my! Basset cupcakes! Yummy!
We had party favors, too! This is Mitzie. She is a wannabee basset. You know..acts like a basset but, doesn’t look like a basset! Hah! Hah!
Here is how you can get your own Party Favors!
One raffle ticket. (You could win $$$!!! $500.00 to be exact!)
A chew bone.
A Pink Flamingo.
Here are Mommy’s Rules
To enter just reply to this post.
The winner will be announced on Thursday, June 3,2010.
Be sure my mommy can email or reply to you.( The drawing for the raffle ticket is 6/5/2010.) She needs your info.
For more information on ABC Basset Hound Rescue please visit www.NYBASSET.ORG
For more information on Pink Saturday please visit Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Arrooh and Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!