Bella along with her Mom and Dad (Peggy & Mike) send Happy New Year Greetings and a sincere Thank You to ABC. On intake Bella was described as a very affectionate young dog with lots of energy who loves to go for walks and play with her toys. Sincere thanks to Peggy and Mike for providing both Bella and Quincey with such a wonderful forever home.
“It will be a year on December 31st (2011) that we were able to adopt Bella. We now call her Belle. She has been a wonderful addition to our family. She loves every member of the family and greets us with true joy when we come home from school and work. She truly enjoys being the only dog because she is a Queen. She loves playing in her backyard and lets the neighborhood know she is there. She is the 2nd Basset we had adopted from ABC. We had Quincey for 7 1/2 years till he passed away last November at the age of 13 1/2. Never thought we could love another one as much as we loved Quincey. But we were wrong…We absolutely adore her. We have been truly lucky to have gotten two great dogs.
Hopefully many more homeless bassets will find their forever homes.”
Peggy & Mike Monahan and Family