Bassets Rescued!

This Tuesday, ABC Basset Rescue of NY stepped up to the plate to take 6 of more than 30 Basset Hounds rescued from a large puppy mill in Boerne, Texas. The breeder, a local couple dealing with health problems and foreclosure, is going out of business. They turned to the Animal Welfare Society of Bandera County for help. The Animal Welfare Society put the word out to Basset Hound and other breed rescue groups across the country. Volunteers brought the dogs to the Hill Country Animal League office in Boerne to get checked out by a veterinarian, and rescue organizations were on hand to select the dogs to take in.

The local vet said they are in amazingly good health for so many dogs coming in from one facility. There are several that suffer from ‘cherry’ eye, or cataracts, and most have some teeth problems, but, generally, they are in good health overall. The news report said they are all AKC registered, with documented breeding lines. (These are the same puppies we find in pet stores in NY!)  The hounds range in age from 8 months to 8 years old. Four of the females are pregnant and are being taken to facilities that have whelping resources.

There are plenty of Bassets that need our help, so if you ever considered fostering or adopting, now is the time!

Currently, 5 of the ABC Bassets are at a Texas veterinarian getting spayed/neutered and micro-chipped. One with very bad cherry eye is undergoing corrective surgery. We will post pictures of these 5 as soon as we have them. They are 3 girls – Dallas, an 8-year old, and Abilene and Amarillo, 21-month old littermates – and 2 boys, Austin and Houston.

Check out the amazing videos of these beautiful Bassets as they are looked over by local vets and begin their journeys to new and better lives in their future forever homes.

If you cannot adopt or foster a Basset right now, please consider donating to ABC Basset Hound Rescue of NY, or becoming a ‘virtual’ foster family, to help out with the vet costs for these homeless hounds. Go to to make a donation or to apply to foster or adopt.  Or you can mail a check to our PO Box 272, Buffalo, NY 14225.

These Bassets sure are lucky that ABC is there for them – help us make sure that we can be there in the future by making a small donation of either money – or your home. They’ll be grateful you did!

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