April 28 Spring Basset Blast!

Saturday, April 28, 2012 Noon-6pm The Fair and Expo Center, Henrietta, NY

Only 1 month away!  Join us for the biggest indoor basset event in the country and a fun filled day with your bassets offlead!  Video of the 2011 Basset Blast – ABC Basset Rescue 2012 Basset Blast.

Events include:

  • Games & Contests
  • Silent auctions & raffles
  • The Slobber Shoppe & other vendors
  • Coronation of The Royal Court
  • Memorial Service
  • Basset Fashion Show
  • Activity Stations for you and your basset

ABC Basset Hound Rescue is selling raffle tickets…$5 each or 3 for $10. Top prize is a 1 week time share anywhere in the Continental US PLUS $500 cash…or…$1k cash!! 6 other cash prizes also! Help the bassets…ABC has spent a staggering $9,000 on vet bills in Jan/Feb alone! Shelly can mail them to you if you are interested in selling or purchasing some.  Please email Shelly Gordon at merchandise@nybasset.org.  The drawing is at the event on April 28th and you do not have to be present to win.

ABC is also holding a Best Basset Hound Photo contest!  You can submit a picture in .jpg format to this email, lauramarksjohnson@aol.com.  Then go to ABC’s website at, www.nybasset.org/donations/donate.asp to pay a 10.00 entry fee, and in the space provided type “PHOTO CONTEST.”   At the Spring Basset Blast the favorite Basset Hound Photos will get dollar bill votes. Who ever has the most votes gets 50% of the fees.  Also prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.  So get out there and take some GREAT BASSET HOUND PICTURES!!

Thank you for helping us raise money to support ABC Basset Hound Rescue. This group is wonderful at rescuing homeless hounds, vetting them and finding them loving homes.

Please help us to continue to save these great hounds. Whatever you can give truly goes a long way!
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to make a contribution to our fundraising efforts.

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