Help Us Save the Lives of Bassets in Need
What is the ABC VIP program?
ABC Basset Hound Rescue, Inc. is YOUR organization! You have made it successful through your continued financial support. We are asking for your support to help assure that this organization continues to be the premier dog rescue in New York by becoming an ABC VIP!
Over the years we have built a base for ABC including the purchase of a trailer for the Slobber Shoppe and a van to transport basset hounds across NYS and bring them in from out of state. We are setting the stage to continue this organization for years to come. With funding coming in on a regular monthly basis, we will also build reserves for the future of ABCBHR and its future leaders who will be responsible for the continuation of this amazing cause.
Benefits of Becoming an ABC VIP:
* Early admission to our Spring Basset Blast
* Coupons to use at events
* Free shipping at The Slobber Shoppe year round (at the $19 level or higher, Continental US only)
Here’s how a sad, scared basset got to look like a star, through your help:
For additional questions or to update your credit card information, please contact:
Jennifer Griem – email: or by cell phone at (716) 870-7103
Elisa Skop – email: or or by cell phone at (914) 260-9587
ABC Basset Hound Rescue would like to thank the following people who donate monthly through our ABC VIP program. Because of these supporters, we can continue to save basset hounds now and for many years to come. You too can become an ABC VIP and help save the lives of homeless basset hounds!
Patricia Amend
Mitze Amoroso
James Austin
Alissa Barrett
Barb Baumann
Justin & Andrea Beabes
Janette Beck
Grant Best
Rod & Vicky Best
Lori Biagini
Patty Bianchi
Elizabeth Bivens
Pamela Blum
Andrew & Laura Bonerb
Geri Bosco
Paul & Michelle Boyle
Gary & Diane Bradley
Doris Brennan
Ray Brisee
Angela Brooder
Tracey & Kevin Brown
John & Michelle Callowhill
Gary Carpino & Sarah Lane
Anne Carroll
Denise Carson
Dee Carter
Elizabeth Castrejon
Jen Celestino
Susan Charles
Estelle & Sebastien Charroud
Sandra Colocino
Stephen Cooke
Stephanie Cornell
Gina Darpino
Phyllis Desmo
Jeanne Dietrich & Elisa Parenti
Sam Dillon
Judy Domagala
Patti Donohue & Doug Mastin
Nora Eberl & Matthew Plizga
Pam Ebersold
Mary & Chris Ennis
Cheryl Ensign
Doris Eppolito
Nancy & Joe Fayad
Susan Fernandez
Sally Ferrentino
Stephanie & Zachary Ficarro
Bert Fitzsimmons
Barbara Franklin
Caitlin Frawley
Donna & Bob Funk
Adrian Garneau
Adam Gebauer
Jim & Karen Gelston
Donna & Jim Gibson
Steve & Colleen Gifford
Dennis & Toni Gigliotti
Tina Gigliotti
Barb Glatt
Abbagail Graham
Leslie Graham
Darby & Donald Grant
Jennifer Griem
Annabelle Guercio
Angelika Hastings
Pam Heine
Linda Hillis
William & Beryl Himmelsbach
Randy Holcomb
Christine Hong
Rachel & Brian Hook
Nancy Hoover
Wendy Horn
Dana Hrycko
Sherri & Wes Jeakins
Janet Jesonowski
Kathy & Larry Johnson
Sharon & Harry Judd
Scarlett Kehoe
Mary Anne Kermis
Chris & Audra Kelly
Melissa King
Shannon Klancer
Edward & Lydia Knapp
Janet Knight
Karen Kowalczyk
Richard & Lisa Krapf
Kim Krupinski
Joe & Kathy Kula
Peter Kyle & Henry Dardeno
Mindy Lacki
Kim LaMar
Priscilla Leonzo
Thomas Lockwood
Ellen Lucas
Jane Lundstrum
Jan Marchlewski
Karen Markisenis
Liz McManus
Karen & Roger Meinzer
Gretchen Meyer
Janet & Al Miller
Denise & Scott Miner
Lauren Mirro
Mary Morrell
John Morrison & Jessica Stockmeyer
Theresa Morrison
Karen Morse
Jim & Jennifer Mosinski
Jim & Maggie Murdock
Gerard Muscat
Stephen Natishin
Nancy Nichols
Linda & Ray Nowicki
Elise Odea
Gary & Kathy Penny
Ava & Wayne Perrigo
Marilynn Pinkoske
Sharon Plant
Nadya Popik
William & Norma Porter
MarySheldon Price
Nancy Purcell
Joan Quigley
Diane Ralph
Carla Resvanis
Bob Richardson
Nicole Richardson
Karen Robinson
Rebecca Roth
Ashley Rowsam
Toni Ruberto
Robyn & Ben Rybczynski
Laura Salmon
Tom & Pat Schamerhorn
Kathleen Schuler
Jeffry Schwartz
Priscilla Scott
D. Barry Self
Esther Seranko
Gail Shaw
Joe Shaw
Maureen Shragie
Elisa Skop
Liberty Snyder
Steven Spencer
Susan Spieler
Gail Sutton
Kathleen Sweeney
Anne Tatalovich
Marci Thomas
Don & Terry Todd
Cheryl & Joe VanGorder
Ashley Van Skiver
Tom & Kandy Van Skiver
Chris Walker
Chris & Bill Wiegand
Catherine Willsey
Sherrilyn Wilson
David Wolinsky
Bill Wynkoop
Renee & Jim Young
Patricia Ziegler