2010 There’s No Place Like Home Waddle Recap

On behalf of everyone at ABC, we would like to thank everyone that helped and came out supported this year’s waddle! Good weather, lots of fun and great people enjoying the day and a whole bunch of dogs! We were very lucky; the day of the waddle was sunny and warm with threats of rain. It did start to rain just after we starting marching down main street, but very lightly and it cool everything down just a bit….then it stopped and the sun returned. Over all it was a great full of music, food, fun, games, and lots of howling.

Here are the big winners of the 2010 Lucky 7 Raffle!

Grand Prize $500.00 Mark Dingman

1st Prize $300.00 Patricia Petralia

2nd Prize $150.00 Carly Rivas

3rd Prize $125.00 Lisa Lucas

4th Prize $75.00 Dave Scib

5th Prize $50.00 Ellie Shannon

6th Prize $50.00 Dorothy & Robert Fiore

7th Prize $50.00 Jeff Whyland

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